Now why you someone do this to a chevy truck??????? really????? damn this is beyond fucked up this shit looks horrible and the damn chrome make that FAKE chrome around the trimming. damn sorry to say but this is a mexican truck yes im mexican and hell to the naw this is not my truck. what the hell was this person thinking???? well as i was passing along someone by the name of vasquez drives this shitty truck.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas 2
Ok so i havent gotn o sleep yet since yesterday and now with all the drinking i have done and all the unwrapping of the gift i think imma nedd some sleep bout 2 or 3 hours sleep lol. Well i hope everyone got what they what i know snata brought me 2 coals and only he and i know why lol thanks for the other gifts santa. So What did u get for christmas??? was it coal like i did??? lol
Merry Christmas from Rolo.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve
Well its Christmas Eve and this rain isstill here but hopefully it will stop. And then comes the SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol wish we could get some here but all were going to get is a muddy Christmas lol. Well i hope your with your love one as im with my family who i care and love. Merry Christmas Friends Be safe if you travel
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Dog Pound
First of all i wanna thank u boy's for joining the ARMY!!! HOOOOOOOOOOOOAH!!!!! You boys listen to my little brother Big P. Also thanks for visiting my blog. if u wish to send me pic i will happily post them on here. Dog Pound lol nice name to have and also i will be working on drawing you guys an icon a photo if you guys agree to let me do it. also if u have a song that u wanna hear screwed and chopped just leave a comment and i will do it. God Bless and Merry Christmas
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Pillow Condom lol
Ok OKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK Now this has got to be one of the most ridiculous pillows and sheet I've ever seen but if you want to be a dick and slip into something wet while you puke to become the cum well this hear folks is all yours lol. I mean come on who in the world would buy this shit lol. i guess who is a dick can use this lol
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Robin Hood 2010
Robin Hood is an upcoming film based on the Robin Hood legend, directed by Ridley Scott and starring Russell Crowe. It is due for release on May 14, 2010.[2] The film began development in 2007 when Universal acquired a script entitled Nottingham, depicting a heroic Robin Hood to be played by Crowe. Scott's dissatisfaction with the script led him to delay filming, and during 2008 it was rewritten into a story about Robin Hood becoming an outlaw, with the position of being Sheriff as part of the story. Scott dropped the latter notion and Nottingham was retitled to reflect the more traditional angle.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Ok so my cowboys lost today. Great freaky job rofag. Idk why Jerry Jones extened this punks contract? Why..... why jerry???? And also today was a big day. Been in my home studio and done 2 songs been on it all day and im tired well its getting colder outside and im lovin it. Well idk whats going on today i didnt even read the newspaper. O well there always tomorrow. O well lol
Rolo / Campeon
Screwnation Records
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Pee-Wee Herman is back??????!!!!!!!!!
I was to lazy to write this in my own words lol so what your lazy too lol well here's the news bout pee-wee herman from
Pee-Wee Herman on his new stage show
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The star may be Pee-wee, but his new live stage show is absolutely huge.
"The Pee-wee Herman

So, why now?
"Well, you know, I really want to make a movie version of 'The Playhouse,' my Saturday morning kid show," Paul Reubens

"This seemed like a great way to do it: Reintroduce it, get back out there, introduce Pee-wee to the new generation that didn't know about it."
An impulsive, sometimes naughty child living a fantastical world, the Pee-wee character first made a big splash with the live "The Pee-wee Herman Show," which debuted at Groundlings theater in Los Angeles in 1981. An HBO broadcast of the show spread the Pee-wee gospel across the country later that year, and a 1985 Tim Burton-directed feature film, "Pee-wee's Big Adventure," was an acclaimed and popular success.
Then came the television series "Pee-wee's Playhouse" (1986-91), which ran for five seasons, earned 22 Emmys and attracted not only children but adults to Saturday-morning television.
Pee-wee was shelved after Reubens' July 1991 arrest for indecent exposure in an adult-movie house in Sarasota, Fla., resulting in a small fine. Reubens, now 57, continued to act, playing characters other than Pee-wee, scoring successes as the Penguin's father in "Batman Returns" (1992) and a 1995 Emmy nomination for a recurring guest role on "Murphy Brown

"Well, I went back and forth between wanting to do it and not wanting to do (the new stage show)," Reubens said. "I had a producer that was calling me every two months for two years. And every two months, I would change my mind. And then, finally, one day I woke up and decided, 'This is it, I'm coming back.'"
As with the original stage show, the new production spins around Pee-wee's desire to fly. The menagerie of "Playhouse" characters is back, as are some of the original cast members, including Lynne Stewart as Miss Yvonne, John Moody as Mailman Mike and John Paragon as Jambi the Genie.
"I think I am grateful for my friends," Reubens said. "I am grateful for my fans. I am grateful that people still support me. I am grateful that people are going to buy tickets to come see my fabulous, fantastic, unbelievably incredible show at Club Nokia. ... I hope people have tickets and that is pretty much what I am thankful for."
"The Pee-wee Herman Show" is scheduled to run for a limited four-week engagement, Jan. 12- Feb. 7.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Let is snow let it snow let it snooooooooooooow. Merry Christmas everyone. Stay warm and drink those eggnog drinks (can't belive people drink that). Well i'm hopeing everyone done or started the christmas shopping. That reminds me, i need to start on mines!!!!!!!! Lol
Rolo / Campeon
Screwnation Records
Sent from my BlackJack 2 Phone
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Pesado y Lupe Tijerina - Prenda Querida
Ok para todo mi hente mexicana aqui esta el orto cancion qe les dije sobre El Grupo Pesado con Lupe Tijerina cantando Prenda Querida. Ok esto es para todos mi hente mexicana, bueno tambien para todo la hente que saba hablar espanol. Bueno aqui les dejo este video de PESADO en sus nuevo disco de En La Cantina Vol. 1 en DVD. Solo hay 5 video y bueno durante el dia los pongo las mas video de este grupo.
Now as many of you have seen the KGB text us your question and we will send it back for only .99 cents..................................Ok who in the hell would pay someone to get an answer?????? you must be lazy and just plain EEEEEEEEESTUPID dumbass person. Dammit people just goole it or for once LOOK UP THE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!! So a message to all you KGB Texters............................. YOU ARE STUPID AND A DUMBASS!!!!! there i said it YES i said it. I really wonder how many dumbass people are out there useing this shit kgb crap.
Realllllllllllllllllllllllly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is this real??????
Ok so i found this video and welllllllllll........................ i reaqlly have nothing to say about this one lol. After looking at the video and well its very VERY discriminating!!!!!!! It depic's fat people and old fuckers. This should be banned..................whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! wait did i just say descriminating???? WTF was i thinking this is by far the most funny shit i have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!! lol this is soooooooooooooooo wrong on sooooooooooooooooooooooo many levels. i guess they made this because there are some dumb-ass's out there that dont know how to well you get my point.
Here's the video folks lol
oooooo yes Hey Roger you are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo getting like 50 of these bro lol lmao rofl hahahaha
Here's the video folks lol
oooooo yes Hey Roger you are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo getting like 50 of these bro lol lmao rofl hahahaha
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Pesado A Duo con "Don Chayo" Cesareo Sanchez - Mi Complice
Ok esto es para todos mi hente mexicana, bueno tambien para todo la hente que saba hablar espanol. Bueno aqui les dejo este video de PESADO en sus nuevo disco de En La Cantina Vol. 1 en DVD. Solo hay 5 video y bueno durante el dia los pongo las mas video de este grupo.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
So its been a while since i heard some real good rock music. and bout 2 months ago i heard Janus - Eyesore on 100.3 The Edge and was like awesome song at first and then it hit me, the song was in my head for a while and so i bought the cd and jammed it in my car. First thing i notice was there nice smooth melody then BANG!!!!!! they came with force, love, deception, and something to make you headbang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm imprised wit these guys and so there in my top 15 Band i would rock out to. Maybe i need to make a list of my fav bands. i get to that later. But for now im rockin with JANUS!!!!!!!
Hot Santa!!!!!!
These picture were taken in Southern Brazil in Santa Catarina. Well that means i wont be getting my damn gifts this year. Dammit!!!!! lol Well Santa was going around in a parade and as Santa was Hoing away santa was like HO HOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Rudolf Rudolf call 911!!!!!!!!!! MAN DOWN!!!!!! MAN DOWN!!!!!! MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN DOWN!!!!!!!! Well idk if we will ever have Christmas again but i hear santas brother-in-law may be up for the job. SOOOOOOOOOOO here are the pictures.....................................
These picture were taken in Southern Brazil in Santa Catarina. Well that means i wont be getting my damn gifts this year. Dammit!!!!! lol Well Santa was going around in a parade and as Santa was Hoing away santa was like HO HOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Rudolf Rudolf call 911!!!!!!!!!! MAN DOWN!!!!!! MAN DOWN!!!!!! MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN DOWN!!!!!!!! Well idk if we will ever have Christmas again but i hear santas brother-in-law may be up for the job. SOOOOOOOOOOO here are the pictures.....................................
And here's Santa's Brother-in-law that may take his spot and the right's to the throne!!!!
December 1st
So today is the 1st day of December and well i'm diggin it. That only means 24 days left till christams and ITS THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR!!!! LOL well the weather is getting cold and well i hope its get lower and hopefully this year there will be some snow for us this year. The days are upon us where we drink nice hot cocoa or hot chocolate and my fav hot cappuccino. Wow sounds good to have one now lol. Well i wish everyone happy winter and the best to all. let's enjoy the last days of 2009 and by the way where the hell did 2009 go?????? seems like it was just April for me and now its December. crazy how time fly's by, guess its cuz we do alot of work.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Ok so like i said i will begin or i had begun to do the screw and chop version to Lucky & Chingo - I'm So Hot song. so here it is all screwed up and chopped nicely enjoy bang an BOC (Ball Outta Control) while you ride in yo slab rider.
So i see the boys are back with yet another hit from there new album LUCKY LUCIANO & CHINGO BLING - WORLDSTAR WETBACKS. Here's a clip i found on them boys from Houston or SCREWSTON, TEXAS as everyone who know what SCREWSTON means if you dont well to fucking bad for your dumbass lol. This song is called "I'm So Hot" sounds great and well i'll let you be the judge on how good its sounds. Coming up next will be the Screwed and Chopped version by Big Rolo.
Lucky Luciano and Chingo Bling
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Newsradio Show
Wow!!!! i must admit after seeing and remembering this show back in 98 i found what comedy was really like. lol i remember this show and thanks to HULU.COM i can now see all the episode. but sadly it was on air for 4 seasons. and then i found out that Bill was murder in real life he was the man of the show very funny guy. well here's an episode that i like for now
Friday, November 27, 2009
Turkey or ...............Well you deicde. HAHA
Ooooooook so let the most messed up turkey decorating begin i found this pic and well i really HONESTLY REALLY dont know what to say about this one. I what was this person trying to do???? Did she actually took a turd on the platter??? or made a plastic mold outta his dude penis????? well its either one or two things?? i'l let you decide WTF this is lol.
Sign Surffer Boy
OK after seeing this i was like this dude is on something or just LOVE to sign surf lol. who in the hell would pay this ID10T to throw a sign and do all cool sign surfing??? say thaaaaaaaaaat sounds neat , guess i will get me a sign and not that jigsaw shit, there's no way im going to where this fool is sending me. READ THE SIGN. GO THIS AWAY FOR JIGSAW!!!! so this is how mr. jigsaw get his stupid ass people he wants to kill. like in the movies there all junkies and people who sleep with other people, or corrupt asshole people from the insurance dept. Well now you know how jigsaw gets his pray. If i had a sign it would be more like a BEER sign lol FREE BEER!!!!!! And i would totally surf the shit out that board lol
OK after seeing this i was like this dude is on something or just LOVE to sign surf lol. who in the hell would pay this ID10T to throw a sign and do all cool sign surfing??? say thaaaaaaaaaat sounds neat , guess i will get me a sign and not that jigsaw shit, there's no way im going to where this fool is sending me. READ THE SIGN. GO THIS AWAY FOR JIGSAW!!!! so this is how mr. jigsaw get his stupid ass people he wants to kill. like in the movies there all junkies and people who sleep with other people, or corrupt asshole people from the insurance dept. Well now you know how jigsaw gets his pray. If i had a sign it would be more like a BEER sign lol FREE BEER!!!!!! And i would totally surf the shit out that board lol
I must admit watching the Colorado vs Nebraska game is good. Also I need Alabama to lose and lets go Auburn!!!! Tho i not fan of Auburn but i need bama to lose. Why??? Duh!TEXAS LONGHORNS!!!!!!!! But like all BCS Champ its come down to who will sell more tickets So i hope i will see Texas vs Florida for the BCS Bowl
Rolo / Campeon
Screwnation Records
Rolo / Campeon
Screwnation Records
Black Friday
OK soooooooooooooooo it WAS oficcially black friday and well there was alot of desperate people out there. damn i never seen so many pciky bastard and so many douchers lol well i guess people dont know how to act when sales go on. Well i only wanted a couple things so i got me two 1TB External Hards and a brand new camera for my picture taking. Well time to take a nap since i been up since yesterday morning lol what was the piont in going to sleep at 2:30am then waking up @ 4am?? So nap time now....... wiat we still have turkey mmmmmmm let me get a turkey sandwich and a nice rice krispes treat and off to nap time.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Well another year come with the speacial day with the fam and friends who come over for a feast meal full of all kinds of food. Thanksgiving is here and the only thing i wanna be thankful for is me watching football with a niooooce cool ass beer make it a Tecate or Coor beer. But really its only to see who is gonna start some shit lol i know i know i have a sick mind but you and i know both we want to see someone or a group just got at it lol. we all have that one crazy ass uncle, brother, sister, grandpa!!!! lol or who ever. and they always remember one thing you did to him/her and waiting for a chance to get you back and fuck with you lol. Well enjoy your thanksgiving day with you love ones.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I got this e-mail form my friend. and well i have some redneck friends and well some of them just go to far to kill a deer. Maybe this one is from the Decepticon group, thats why he got shot and skinned lol so here's the message that went with it.
Now, I have seen my share of redneck emails.. some stupid... some funny.
But this one.. ok.. I have to admit it..
This Person is One True.. Deep Down to the Core... Certified RED-NECK!!!!
Now, I have seen my share of redneck emails.. some stupid... some funny.
But this one.. ok.. I have to admit it..
This Person is One True.. Deep Down to the Core... Certified RED-NECK!!!!
Worst Tattoo.....EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok ok..................OOOOOOOOK, Soooooooooooooooooooooooo this dumbass got a tatto of the most best routers in the world "CISCO", (so i was told by Sevier lol Hey Buddy), now from what it looks like, looks more like a giant ugly ass moles lol no wait looks like music sound waves, noooooooooooo no none of the above this most diffenently, MOST DIFFENTLY looks likes 2 middls fingers telling you to fuck-off lol. Wow ever wonder if Cisco is telling you to f-off during there commercials????
Now for all you game fans out there, and i have a few game fucks who play games all the time, Like House, Pedro, Alex, Oscar, Matt, and other friends who just play non-stop games. Well i think they do lol. Any way if you don't remember this code from one of the best fightings game then your not a gamer like the rest of us. This ID10T (for my computer nerds you know what that means lol) got a freakin tattoo of Ryu's Shoryenken from the Street Fighter game. Now this is Ryu's code (when enter right) is supposed to depict Ryu's Shoryuken (Rising Dragon Fist). But the only thing wrong here is that this dumbass didnt tattoo the correct code. This dumbass put ↓→↘ + P instead of the correct code which is →↓↘ + P, and this would have given him a kickass SHORYUKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now this dumbass has to live with this, knowning he'a never going to get a correct shoryuken. Poor Bastard. LOL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Manny Paquiao vd Folyd Mayweather Jr.???????????? Maybe in 2010.
Ok i would love to see this fight, as both fighter are ound for pund for a whop-ass to be given by both fighters. So when can we expect thsi to happen???? Well calls have to be made and hopefully both fighters will agree to get in the ring and make another history in the making. Both fighter will come with there power punches and combination. But for now we have to wait. HBO, SHOWTIME, TECATE BOXING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Manny Paquaio vs Miguel Cotto
Ok so the fight has begun and now Manny showing some respect to cotto great combination from both fighters.
Round 2 Manny showing some more aggressive punch at :30 left.Manny steady throwing combination and as Cotto taking the punched but comes back throwing his combinatio. WOW!!!!!!!!! never seen a fight like this before.
Round 3. Both fighters dancing around throwing jabs Manny trys to throwing combination as Cotto move around...................OOOOOOOOOO COTTO GOES DOWN @ 2:14, Cotto does look hurt but is not showing it. Cotto coming back with some hard right hooks. Manny throwing jabs. Middle of the ring and now dancing again. Cotto lands some jabs and as far as i can tell cotto is pretty quik with his hand as the most that Manny been hits in any fiht that i have seen. Manny bends over and the crowd doesnt like it. Well i give this fight to Cotto for throwing and giveing Manny a great Left Hook.
Round 4 Pacuaio against the ropes Cotto GIVING A BEATING TO MANNY. WOW Cotto is bring the house down on this round. and manny looks like his met his match. Round 5 oth fighters dancing around and looks like both fighters are getting some breather. Cotto jabbing away, Mannny JUST LANDED A LEFT HOOK!!!! Cotto takingManny'sjabs. And Cotto is slowing down as well as Manny. Cotto Moving in with jabs as Cotto throwing ,unch that are not landing. 2 steppin away and MANNY AGAINTS THE ROPES AGAIN. Cotto Jabbing away Mannyjabbing away.
Round 5 Fighters coming at it with great punches but now just daning around.
Round 6 Working the ring round as both fighter looking to see where and when to strike the other oponent. Manny with some great jabs and Hooks. Manny looking good now landing the jabs and hooks with power!!!! Cotto been down twice cuz of Mannies fast power punches. Cotto againts the ropes, Manny working the body. Both fighters look like there slowing. Manny taking this fights and lands a hook right as the bell rings!!!!!!!!!
Rounds 7 Manny throwing the jabs and hooks with a cobination good throws no wait great throws. Cotto appears to be getting tired now but its not stoping him. Manny looks aggressive and just eating up Cotto like a fat boy in a buffet line. Cotto coming back but with weak punches, but so far Cotto is not doing nothing in this round and as for Manny another round for him.
Round 8 now an both fighters dancing around like a countrymusic video doing the 2 step. Manny lloking for a close in and lands some jabs followed by a combination. Cotto just moving backwords and working the ring trying to aviod Manny's POWER PUNCHES. Manny the dominator is just plowing Cotto. Cotto throwsing jabs and hooks but when cotto throws, Manny come back and throws smooth yet powerful punches. mANNY HAS cOTTO IN THE ROPES AND Cotto just trying to move and avoid the punches. Manny just punches more when he gets hit.
Rund 9 gets away an now both fighters are tryin to love each othere as there in a locking mode ref seperates them and manny goes in for an attack but cotto defends, COTO IN THE CONER, AS MANNY BEATING SOME SENCE INTO COTTO FOR TRYING TO FIGHT HIM.
Round 10 Cotto looks hurt and the eye looks pretty bad swollen and a cut on the left eye but cotto is fighting at his best.
Round 11 fights dancing around the ring as cottos left eye begins to drip blood. Manny seems to take this fight easy and Cotto jumoing.. Cotto in the coner as manny beatingt the sence into cotto and now cotto with a left hook hits manny but doesnt affect manny. manny looking very aggressive now as cottoin againts the ropes manny just taking this fight into his coner. 10 senconds left before fights end and Manny once again moving into greater glory. Cottos trains working that left eye trying to stop the bleeding but fight is still in place.
Round 12and now the last rounf as manny going at it and is LOOKING FOR THE KNOCKOUT Cotto dancing around and Manny right behind him just just looking for the knockout.oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo FIGHTS IS OVER FIGHTS IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE REF STOPS THE FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE REF STOPS THE FIGHT! Cotto was no longer able to take the hits and goes down. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A FIGHT!!!!!! oFICAILS talking and taking a look at Cotto, Cotto is standing up but the Officails just wants to make sure he's ok.OK so heres how it went down, Manny had Cotto on the side ropes and just ripping and then throws a right hook to the side and cotto goes down to manny's knees and then the ref comes in and stops the fight. But what a right hook that Manny threw.
NOW WHOS NEXT???????? Well talks are going around Manny vs Mayweather, as i would love to go see that fight live.Another great fight two big time fighters, but as all other fights they build up the hype but mostly some fight, LIKE THIS ONE, was a great fight.
Alrighty then folks here are the pictures from the fights last night and as you can see both fighters had some great hits.
Happy Perez - All I Know Screwed & Chopped by Big Rolo
Ok so i was in my home studio last night and was just chillin after eating some tacos with my cousin and brother. And was like is there anyone who has or if Happy P's album been Screwed and Chopped??? so i looked around an couldn't find nothing so i decided to take a shot at it. So i screwed adn chopped Happy P new song call "All I Know (Feat. Chamillionare, Mayalino, Max Minelli & Marty James). When i heard it i was daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn this shit goes hard then i remembered a video on youtube where him and OpenLabs had a clip where this songs come in at the begining. when i heard i was damn this shit tight and unbe knows to me that this song was on here. so i was bangin that song and then like i said i wanted a screwed and chopped version of that song so i sat down and maybe 45 minutes later it was complete. here's a clip i posted on youtube. So what do you think????? that shit go hard huh.
Dino-Shag Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok ok this is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much information about how dino's did the dino-shag lol Now this is really a Tyrannosaurus skeleton casts mounted in a mating position, Jurassic Museum of Asturias. To bad no hand grabbing for both of them lol Now kids may ask alot of question and be like "Dad?? Do you and mommy do that???? Cuz you know how kids are.
Friday, November 13, 2009
So i was surfing around the world to see what i could find and psot something on here since i did say I WILL POST somthing on here. well i came across the site where, YES, Yes you can a Darth Mull from "Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace".Unlike me, i really don't have any intrest in Star Fag but i know some of my friends are Star War fanatic, hell they even go to comiccon which to me, is another way of saying...............THERE FUCKING FAKE AND FUCKING GAY!!!!!!!!!!! LOL now MD not going ot say your real name but you my friend will problaby buy this one they even have CAPTIAN AMERICA!!!!!!!!! Now this one i would diffently MOST DIFFENTLY SPORTS THIS ONE!!!!!!
do you see how badass i look, HOW BAAAAAAAAAAADASS I LOOK?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME HUH. Don't be hation don't be hation folks i look fly.
Target Leaked an Ad??????
Ok, so i was reading an article about someone leaking an ad for the giant wanna-be store of wal-fag.... i mean wal-mart. lol And after reading its say the some website has got the ad and i guess sent it out to ther people DUH, i mean who wouldn't????? but any ways the ad says that you can get REAL GREAT deals only on BLACK FRIDAY. You can get great deals on kitchen appliances, TV'S and other electronic items.These include a Westinghouse 32-inch LCD HDTV for $246. Also in the ad: $3 Chefmate appliances such as toasters, coffeemakers and sandwich makers; a 40-inch Apex 1080p LCD HDTV for $449 with a $10 gift card; a TomTom GPS for $97; a Garmin GPS for $179; an RCA dual-screen portable DVD player for $88; a $39 Polaroid V 130 Camcorder; 50% off on select toys; and children's clothing for between $5 to $7. The ad said the merchant is also offering a free gift card worth $10 if you spend $100 or more at its stores from 5 a.m. to noon on Black Friday.According to Target's circular, some of the sales are valid only on Black Friday while others are good through Saturday. Well folks you better get ready cuz when i'm there with the whole crew (THAT MEANS IM GOING TO CALL ALL MY REALTIVES TO COME AND JOIN ME SO WE CAN TAKE OVER TARGET LOL AND WONT LET NONE OF YOU PEOPLE IN LOL) we are going to take over that place and like the past black fridays i been to i'll most likely get into 5 noooo nooo make that 8 fights before 5:15 a.m. so that means my crew and i have only 15 minutes to get all the goody before ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE LOL. Now if i olny had a blueprint of tagets sections where all the good things are..............hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm gotta makes some calls. (as i am laughing in my evil laugh muhahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa)
Friday The 13th
Ok so im getting my cup of coffee and just realized today was Friday the 13th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW FUCKIN COOL is that!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wonderin' if people are going to see Freddy Krueger???????? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm guess we wont know until the people who took a nap dont wake up lol. So whats the plan today??? i'll tell you my plan is to dress like Freddy Kruger and scared the hell outta some people today. lol dude im soooooooooooooooo going to jail later on when i terrorize the city lol you think the bank will let me walk in with my knife finger hands????? lol pretty sure when they see me there going to be like 20 cops/pigs jumping everywhere drawing there guns while they finish there chocalate filled donuts lol hahahaha. Well have a wonderful Friday The 13th!!!!!!!!!!! One....Two..shit i don't even know hows is killer song goes dammit!!!!!!!!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Ok ok so im watching this mcdonald commercial and How stupid is this!!!!!! Stupid people holdin up a angus burger (more like annus burger lol) and they have a face of" where should i start off???" ITS A DAMN BURGER YOU FUCKHEADS LOL JUST EAT IT ALREADY!!!!!! And this is suppose to get me to buy one????? Ummmmm hell naw make that HELL TO THE NAW!!!!!!!!! LOL
Ok so the lotto is here in the natural state, yet i haven't played that much of it. Sp far i have played the scratch off and so far i spent $6 dollars and won $4 dollar so technically i spent $2......right????? Lol anywho i think i may play this week that is if im not in my home studio making beats and all or i may be screwing and chopping some songs. Well if you live in the natural state and feel lucky then go ahead and play the lotto. I even put a how to play powerball at the bottom of the page so you can feel what its like to win and also how to play the powerball or not. But come on, who wouldn't want to play the powerball??? JUST REMEMBER FOLKS THIS IS ONLY A DEMO.
Sent from my BlakJack 2 Phone
Sent from my BlakJack 2 Phone
Graduating class as the C.E.O of Pimpin. We certified Pimp's
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Grand Theft Auto vs FROGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I seen this youtube video of this guy daneboe, the guy who created the Contra vs. Duck Hunt and Mortal Kombat vs. Donkey Kong videos, and is back at it, this time with some Grand Theft Auto vs. Frogger action and Sonic vs. Pac-Man. i was like how awesome is that!!!!!Sonic was so fast that 2 of the little dudes in the box didnt even get a chance to get out!!!!!they like sufficated in there lol. you should see his other video but for now i'll post some up for your enjoyment.
Sonic vs PacMan
This is my fav so far Mortal Kombat vs Donkey Kong
Sonic vs PacMan
This is my fav so far Mortal Kombat vs Donkey Kong
Car gets in front of school bus
Now this is fucked up, i mean how many times have you been driving and some ID10T (to my computer geeks you know what that means lol if you dont get it then your one lol) pulls out in front of you??? hell when i went to drop off my brother at his job and drove back i mean those people from JACKSONVILLE and CABOT, damn them fools don't know to drive and don't blame it on the damn construction thats going on there, it your dumbass whos on the phone, or getting your make-up on or just plain still fucking sleepy. well anyways this is what happen when some dumbass ID10T got in front if this bus. just watch
School Bus Rams Into Other Driver - Watch more Funny Videos
School Bus Rams Into Other Driver - Watch more Funny Videos
South Park Mexican
Here's a video i found about South Park Mexican a rapper from Houston, Tx. i listen and was amazed on how dude can spit his verse and how he makes his songs, like spm says REAL RECOGNIZE REAL. I feel what spm says in this audio clip. what do you think about it?? Take a few seconds and listen to what he has to say.
South Park Mexican interview parts 1 and 2
Interview Part 1
Interview Part 2
South Park Mexican interview parts 1 and 2
Interview Part 1
Interview Part 2
Juan Gotti
So I'm listening to this raper from Houston, Juan Gotti, and i belive i started listening to him back in '03. I really enjoyed the different styles he can come up with, i mean dude can do a staright club dance song then go back into the world of love, hurt, and anger all in one song this song La Incondicional can explain it more. yo when i heard it i was WHOA!!!!!!!! Since then i have been looking and finding dude cd's everytime i get a chance to go to Houston, and so far everyone of his cd's are great. Its like i said before he can go in and out of diferrent style of songs and still make you feel the beat. Have you ever heard of Juan Gotti??? Check him out at and become a fan i know i am.
So hears that song i told you about Juan Gotti - La Incondicional
So hears that song i told you about Juan Gotti - La Incondicional
Hello World
Hello to all, and all a hello. well i started this sites just to play around and see what funny ideas i can come up with. i'm pretty sure you have these ideas to but you just didn't want the whole world to know about it. well today was a good day, i mean i created a blog for me and my friends to so we can sit around and goof off like we do. i will be posting up videos and all and well anything that might be funny or just plain stupid for your enjoyment, come on we all have that friend who just goes above and beyond just to make you laugh you ass off.
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