Friday, November 13, 2009

So i was surfing around the world to see what i could find and psot something on here since i did say I WILL POST  somthing on here. well i came across the site where, YES, Yes you can a Darth Mull from "Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace".Unlike me, i really don't have any intrest in Star Fag but i know some of my friends are Star War fanatic, hell they even go to comiccon which to me, is another way of saying...............THERE FUCKING FAKE AND FUCKING GAY!!!!!!!!!!! LOL now MD not going ot say your real name but you my friend will problaby buy this one they even have CAPTIAN AMERICA!!!!!!!!! Now this one i would diffently MOST DIFFENTLY SPORTS THIS ONE!!!!!!

do you see how badass i look, HOW BAAAAAAAAAAADASS I LOOK?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME HUH. Don't be hation don't be hation folks i look fly.

Target Leaked an Ad??????

Ok, so i was reading an article about someone leaking an ad for the giant wanna-be store of wal-fag.... i mean wal-mart. lol And after reading its say the some website has got the ad and i guess sent it out to ther people DUH, i mean who wouldn't????? but any ways the ad says that you can get REAL GREAT deals only on BLACK FRIDAY. You can get great deals on kitchen appliances, TV'S and other electronic items.These include a Westinghouse 32-inch LCD HDTV for $246. Also in the ad: $3 Chefmate appliances such as toasters, coffeemakers and sandwich makers; a 40-inch Apex 1080p LCD HDTV for $449 with a $10 gift card; a TomTom GPS for $97; a Garmin GPS for $179; an RCA dual-screen portable DVD player for $88; a $39 Polaroid V 130 Camcorder; 50% off on select toys; and children's clothing for between $5 to $7. The ad said the merchant is also offering a free gift card worth $10 if you spend $100 or more at its stores from 5 a.m. to noon on Black Friday.According to Target's circular, some of the sales are valid only on Black Friday while others are good through Saturday. Well folks you better get ready cuz when i'm there with the whole crew (THAT MEANS IM GOING TO CALL ALL MY REALTIVES TO COME AND JOIN ME SO WE CAN TAKE OVER TARGET LOL AND WONT LET NONE OF YOU PEOPLE IN LOL) we are going to take over that place and like the past black fridays i been to i'll most likely get into 5 noooo nooo make that 8 fights before  5:15 a.m. so that means my crew and i have only 15 minutes to get all the goody before ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE LOL. Now if i olny had a blueprint of tagets sections where all the good things are..............hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm gotta makes some calls. (as i am laughing in my evil laugh muhahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa)

Friday The 13th

Ok so im getting my cup of coffee and just realized today was Friday the 13th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW FUCKIN COOL is that!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wonderin' if people are going to see Freddy Krueger???????? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm guess we wont know until the people who took a nap dont wake up lol. So whats the plan today??? i'll tell you my plan is to dress like Freddy Kruger and scared the hell outta some people today. lol dude im soooooooooooooooo going to jail later on when i terrorize the city lol you think the bank will let me walk in with my knife finger hands????? lol pretty sure when they see me there going to be like 20 cops/pigs jumping everywhere drawing there guns while they finish there chocalate filled donuts lol hahahaha. Well have a wonderful Friday The 13th!!!!!!!!!!! One....Two..shit i don't even know hows is killer song goes dammit!!!!!!!!