Ok so the fight has begun and now Manny showing some respect to cotto great combination from both fighters.
Round 2 Manny showing some more aggressive punch at :30 left.Manny steady throwing combination and as Cotto taking the punched but comes back throwing his combinatio. WOW!!!!!!!!! never seen a fight like this before.
Round 3. Both fighters dancing around throwing jabs Manny trys to throwing combination as Cotto move around...................OOOOOOOOOO COTTO GOES DOWN @ 2:14, Cotto does look hurt but is not showing it. Cotto coming back with some hard right hooks. Manny throwing jabs. Middle of the ring and now dancing again. Cotto lands some jabs and as far as i can tell cotto is pretty quik with his hand as the most that Manny been hits in any fiht that i have seen. Manny bends over and the crowd doesnt like it. Well i give this fight to Cotto for throwing and giveing Manny a great Left Hook.
Round 4 Pacuaio against the ropes Cotto GIVING A BEATING TO MANNY. WOW Cotto is bring the house down on this round. and manny looks like his met his match. Round 5 oth fighters dancing around and looks like both fighters are getting some breather. Cotto jabbing away, Mannny JUST LANDED A LEFT HOOK!!!! Cotto takingManny'sjabs. And Cotto is slowing down as well as Manny. Cotto Moving in with jabs as Cotto throwing ,unch that are not landing. 2 steppin away and MANNY AGAINTS THE ROPES AGAIN. Cotto Jabbing away Mannyjabbing away.
Round 5 Fighters coming at it with great punches but now just daning around.
Round 6 Working the ring round as both fighter looking to see where and when to strike the other oponent. Manny with some great jabs and Hooks. Manny looking good now landing the jabs and hooks with power!!!! Cotto been down twice cuz of Mannies fast power punches. Cotto againts the ropes, Manny working the body. Both fighters look like there slowing. Manny taking this fights and lands a hook right as the bell rings!!!!!!!!!
Rounds 7 Manny throwing the jabs and hooks with a cobination good throws no wait great throws. Cotto appears to be getting tired now but its not stoping him. Manny looks aggressive and just eating up Cotto like a fat boy in a buffet line. Cotto coming back but with weak punches, but so far Cotto is not doing nothing in this round and as for Manny another round for him.
Round 8 now an both fighters dancing around like a countrymusic video doing the 2 step. Manny lloking for a close in and lands some jabs followed by a combination. Cotto just moving backwords and working the ring trying to aviod Manny's POWER PUNCHES. Manny the dominator is just plowing Cotto. Cotto throwsing jabs and hooks but when cotto throws, Manny come back and throws smooth yet powerful punches. mANNY HAS cOTTO IN THE ROPES AND Cotto just trying to move and avoid the punches. Manny just punches more when he gets hit.
Rund 9 gets away an now both fighters are tryin to love each othere as there in a locking mode ref seperates them and manny goes in for an attack but cotto defends, COTO IN THE CONER, AS MANNY BEATING SOME SENCE INTO COTTO FOR TRYING TO FIGHT HIM.
Round 10 Cotto looks hurt and the eye looks pretty bad swollen and a cut on the left eye but cotto is fighting at his best.
Round 11 fights dancing around the ring as cottos left eye begins to drip blood. Manny seems to take this fight easy and Cotto jumoing.. Cotto in the coner as manny beatingt the sence into cotto and now cotto with a left hook hits manny but doesnt affect manny. manny looking very aggressive now as cottoin againts the ropes manny just taking this fight into his coner. 10 senconds left before fights end and Manny once again moving into greater glory. Cottos trains working that left eye trying to stop the bleeding but fight is still in place.
Round 12and now the last rounf as manny going at it and is LOOKING FOR THE KNOCKOUT Cotto dancing around and Manny right behind him just just looking for the knockout.oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo FIGHTS IS OVER FIGHTS IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE REF STOPS THE FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE REF STOPS THE FIGHT! Cotto was no longer able to take the hits and goes down. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A FIGHT!!!!!! oFICAILS talking and taking a look at Cotto, Cotto is standing up but the Officails just wants to make sure he's ok.OK so heres how it went down, Manny had Cotto on the side ropes and just ripping and then throws a right hook to the side and cotto goes down to manny's knees and then the ref comes in and stops the fight. But what a right hook that Manny threw.
NOW WHOS NEXT???????? Well talks are going around Manny vs Mayweather, as i would love to go see that fight live.Another great fight two big time fighters, but as all other fights they build up the hype but mostly some fight, LIKE THIS ONE, was a great fight.
Alrighty then folks here are the pictures from the fights last night and as you can see both fighters had some great hits.