Thursday, December 3, 2009

Pesado y Lupe Tijerina - Prenda Querida

Ok para todo mi hente mexicana aqui esta el orto cancion qe les dije sobre El Grupo Pesado con Lupe Tijerina cantando Prenda Querida. Ok esto es para todos mi hente mexicana, bueno tambien para todo la hente que saba hablar espanol. Bueno aqui les dejo este video de PESADO en sus nuevo disco de En La Cantina Vol. 1 en DVD. Solo hay 5 video y bueno durante el dia los pongo las mas video de este grupo.


Now as many of you have seen the KGB text us your question and we will send it back for only .99 cents..................................Ok who in the hell would pay someone to get an answer?????? you must be lazy and just plain EEEEEEEEESTUPID dumbass person. Dammit people just goole it or for once LOOK UP THE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!! So a message to all you KGB Texters............................. YOU ARE STUPID AND A DUMBASS!!!!! there i said it YES i said it.  I really wonder how many dumbass people are out there useing this shit kgb crap.

Realllllllllllllllllllllllly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is this real??????

Ok so i found this video and welllllllllll........................ i reaqlly have nothing to say about this one lol. After looking at the video and well its very VERY discriminating!!!!!!! It depic's fat people and old fuckers. This should be banned..................whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! wait did i just say descriminating???? WTF was i thinking this is by far the most funny shit i have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!! lol this is soooooooooooooooo wrong on sooooooooooooooooooooooo many levels. i guess they made this because there are some dumb-ass's out there that dont know how to well you get my point.
Here's the video folks lol
oooooo yes Hey Roger you are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo getting like 50 of these bro lol lmao rofl hahahaha