Monday, February 8, 2010

Totally from Arkansas lol

Now this lady has got to be from ARKANSAS!!!!!!!!! i mean c'mon who in there right minds would someone act like this. Either 1)She was on CRACK 2) Was nervous as hell 3)Was high on weed 4) SHE WAS ON CRACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

Bullriding Gone Wrong!!

Well looks like my cousin wanted to show me how to ride a bull and be all tough and shit, and well after watching it i guess the bar bitch slapped him and not the bull. I actually laughed at this lol the video is on the next page folks.


Well she wanted to get on but looks like the marry go round didnt wanted her to get on. But i give her a 9.5 for her flying ability and for her landing not the best but hey she did her best. Video is on the next page

Run Fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

S you find yourself running from cops in a building, wait whaaaaaaat??? why the fuck would you be running inside a building where there are cops and rent-a-cops????? well i guess this guy just wanted to fly away buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut gravity had other plans for him lol The video is on the page to view for your enjoyment lol

Ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

Ok so when i first saw this video i was like ummmmmmmmmmmmm ok 2 drunk ass bitchs and then she was breathing really hard and then stands up and her friend pushes her chest in and weeeeeeeeeeell like she said she thought she was in a river. Well i wanna try it out and see what am i going to smash my head on.
The video is on the next page

How to go to JAIL!!!

Well this is one way to go to jail lol. Looks like this girl partied way tooooo much with Big Rolo and decided to go home to her man, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell things didn't go so well for her lol check it out on the next page folks.

Bud Light that did NOT make the commercial

So i found this clip where this Bud Light Commercial didn't make it. Well i totally get it but C'MON folks its just a commercial and people are blacked out. Its not like they will actual show the nude people, but fcc would bitch about it and other folks will also bitch about it.