So last night i went to the COLD / NONPOINT show. I must admit damn they played awesome. We missed the first group but who cares??? They probably sucked balls ass anyways lol, like the one time i went to the ATREYU concert the firs band was horrible, i mean you could even listen to the music because it sounded like garbage. anyway thats old im not even going to say there name cause its not worth saying the name Tho the band from Russellville, AR kicked ass and Drive A from Los Angeles then ATREYU just rocked the house. Soooooo back the the topic i'm supposed to write about lol. So it was Foster, Erica and I, and getting in was no biggy cuz there wasn't a line lol. Anyways were in Juanita's scoping out looking for a spot to sit which was impossible since every seat was taken. After Foster and Erica got there drinks we saw an old friend Aaron, then Richard and Jimmy showed up to the show while i was talking to old friend Micheal who owns Play -N- Trade and does some promotion for some bands. So NONPOINT kicks off jammin and all we slowly move our way through the crowd and finally getting to a spot were we are rockin out. I must NONPOINT put a show that i will not forget. Its funny cuz as soon as we got to a great location a fucking mosh broke out its crazy i hate moshing that's why you push them mathafuckers out the way lol it was this time where i was able to move to the front and get up and close with the band. Also i had my glasses in my hands cuz of the moshing that was going on and i didn't want to lose my glasses, smart thinking huh lol, so i had my hand up with the rock sign \m/ also i was holding my glasses with that hand and then
Ken Charman (bass player for nonpoint) was handshaking peoples hand and grab my hand then when he saw what he had in his hand, which were my fucking glasses lol Ken had a face like WTF did i grab your galsses????? LOL At the same time i was like DUDE THATS MY FUCKIN GLASSES!!!! LOL dude gave them back we were both surpise this happen its fucking funny tho lol. So for there final song NONPOINT just rocked the house with the baddest song ever played "BULLET WITH A NAME" i mean damn the name of the song just fuckin sounds awesome. During the song all hell broke lose for everyone even ME!!!!! i was rockin out fucking screaming out the top of my lungs. shit its sounds bad ass when i play it on the player but LIVE.......LIVE is soooooo much fucking better. Damn i thought i was going to die cuz i was out of breath from jumping around screaming yelling signing the hell out of my voice. Then COLD gets on stage and starts off rockin some old songs that i didn't kind of sort of didn't know lol. But its seemed weird cuz the lead singer just didn't seem to be doing good, it was like something was wrong or something. I mean you cal tell when a singer gets on stage and just connects with the crowd, its like you can feel the singer getting ready to rock the hell out with you and all. Anyways i was kind of disappointed with there show i just didn't feel it like i did with NONPOINT. I guess the only song i really new from COLD was "STUPID GIRL" i was waiting and hoping they would of played "SUFFOCATE" but it didn't happen o well maybe next time, maybe next time they'll play and rock the house. But in the end it s was a great show they put for us. After hearing NONPOINT play well they just got another fan. Next up later and i may be attending the show SALIVA LIVE at The Rev Room in downtown Little Rock. SEE YA THERE BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Foster, Erica, Big Rolo and Aaron
Ken Charman (bass player for nonpoint) the one who snatched my glasses lol hahahahahahaha
COLD Pic's
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