Ok So Los Inquietos del Norte estaban aqui in The Natural State. Estuvo bien el biale. Una pinche lluvejira del cerversa. Todos tirando desmadre and un pinch biale que estuvo. Uno de mis compa se suvio al ensenario pa saludar en cantate de Felix Meza. Estuvo bien. Tambien tengo fotos del el show. Tambien estuveron Alacranes Musical. Bueno no se que puta madre estaban aciendo eso gueyes. No me gusto ningun cancione qje tocaron. Bueno ni casi me guata musica duranguense. Bueno los photos los pongo mas al rato.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Los Inquietos del Norte
Friday, September 10, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Disco de Ramon Ayala
Aqui estan unos discos. Aver si les gustan
As click donde deci "LOOK THERE'S MORE" para que veas mas informacion
As click donde deci "LOOK THERE'S MORE" para que veas mas informacion
Los Videos mas Perronas
Aqui estan unos videos. Aver si les gustan
As click donde deci "LOOK THERE'S MORE" para que veas mas informacion
As click donde deci "LOOK THERE'S MORE" para que veas mas informacion
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Discos de Los Relampagos del Norte
Aqui estan unos discos. Aver si les gustan
As click donde deci "LOOK THERE'S MORE" para que veas mas informacion
As click donde deci "LOOK THERE'S MORE" para que veas mas informacion
Pesado - Clasicos Para La Bohemia
Aqui estan unos discos. Aver si les gustan
As click donde deci "LOOK THERE'S MORE" para que veas mas informacion
As click donde deci "LOOK THERE'S MORE" para que veas mas informacion
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Old Man Dances
Now this is by far the most funny shit i have ever seen!!!!!!!!! This old guy has moves that i can't pull off lol check out the video people.
Click below to watch video
Click below to watch video
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Catsup & Mustard
OK OK.... Damn just to funny so i was at work and didnt bother to look @ the note someone left for the Vendor. Lol well i know who was there when i was on break the HR and well hell idk what his job title is lol so when they left i went back to get me a drink and notice the sign there upon looking closer @ the not i just busted out laughing my ass off lol the sign says.............. Well just take a look for yourself and see what either the HR or the other guy who i have no idea what he does???? Lol everything i see him he's walking from one side of the build to the other. So yeah take a look for yourself...............
Rolo / Campeon
Screwnation Records
Rolo / Campeon
Screwnation Records
Saturday, May 1, 2010
El Movimiento Alterado
Soooooooooooooooooo hay un nuevo movimiento que se llama El Movimiento Alterado. Buneo se eschu chingon y mi me gusta. so aqui les dejo este video del Movimiento Alterado.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Lil Keke - Get Money Screwed & Chopped by Big Rolo
Man we all gotta make the money and there always gonna be a hate. I dig and feels this song cuz since i been making beats and i screwed and chooped music some fools be hation on me cuz my screw be off the change and theirs is wack. Get Money pimps.
Lil Keke - Get Laid Screwed & Chopped by Big Rolo
So this is off Lil Keke Addicted 2 Fame CD. Must say this was a good cd i felt the lyrics and beats. This a song i Screwed & Chopped Its called Get Laid and hope you like it like i did.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Memo 1
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeello folks, lol Well its been a while since i updated here folks sorry if i haven't updated fokls. Just been working on alot of projects and also working on alot of screwed and chop music. I just finish one while ago and i will post it on her also I will be working on a project that will host all mexicans that are in the Little Rock area to do a track and have our version of a mic pass. ifyou interested in getting on the flow e-mail me with your contact @ bigrolo@hotmail.com. Anyways i will be also be accpeting request if you wanna hear one of your favorite track(s) to be screwed & chopped just hit me up with the info and i'll screw it up. well again folks its all work no play and hopefully everything works out.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Message From Big Rolo 1.1
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Banda La Dinamica - Barbarita
y aqui esta unos de los mejores banda que YO a eschucado, Banda La Dinamica con el cancion "Barbarita" esta muy bonito la idoma Purhepecha. Bueno espero que le guste.
Banda Revelacion - Tata Rigo
Aqui le dejo este cancione de Banda Revelacion de San Andres, Michoacan. Tocan muy bien y pues tengo ganas de bialar jajajajajaja. Bueno aver si les gusta.
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Foster, Erica, Big Rolo and Aaron
Ken Charman (bass player for nonpoint) the one who snatched my glasses lol hahahahahahaha
Friday, March 12, 2010
Podcast coming to Rolo's Crazy AZZ World????
Well folks You will now see a Podcast section on here in the future. i decide to add a podcasting to let all of you hear my little wanna be radio station lol.
Sooooooooooooooooo be on a lookout for the podcast. Most likely the beginning of April or the end of march. Who knows you just have to wait for it folks. Well have a good one and be safe out tonight its friday and the weekend has begun.
Sooooooooooooooooo be on a lookout for the podcast. Most likely the beginning of April or the end of march. Who knows you just have to wait for it folks. Well have a good one and be safe out tonight its friday and the weekend has begun.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Edgefest VI
Edgefest VI will be at the Arkansas State Fairgrounds on May 8th featuring
Tickets in advance are $35
DOS (Day of Show) $40
Ticket go on sale Saturday March 6, 2010 @ 10am
Ticketmaster Outlets or Tickmaster.com or call 800-745-3000
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Stunta - the coolest hood (2010) free mixtape
Stunta - the coolest hood (2010) free mixtape. I been listening to STUNTA for a while and well........ He has gotten better at what he does. Better sound, lyrics, and well check him out on his new free mixtape of his.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Totally from Arkansas lol
Now this lady has got to be from ARKANSAS!!!!!!!!! i mean c'mon who in there right minds would someone act like this. Either 1)She was on CRACK 2) Was nervous as hell 3)Was high on weed 4) SHE WAS ON CRACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
Bullriding Gone Wrong!!
Well looks like my cousin wanted to show me how to ride a bull and be all tough and shit, and well after watching it i guess the bar bitch slapped him and not the bull. I actually laughed at this lol the video is on the next page folks.
Well she wanted to get on but looks like the marry go round didnt wanted her to get on. But i give her a 9.5 for her flying ability and for her landing not the best but hey she did her best. Video is on the next page
Run Fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
S you find yourself running from cops in a building, wait whaaaaaaat??? why the fuck would you be running inside a building where there are cops and rent-a-cops????? well i guess this guy just wanted to fly away buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut gravity had other plans for him lol The video is on the page to view for your enjoyment lol
Ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
Ok so when i first saw this video i was like ummmmmmmmmmmmm ok 2 drunk ass bitchs and then she was breathing really hard and then stands up and her friend pushes her chest in and weeeeeeeeeeell like she said she thought she was in a river. Well i wanna try it out and see what am i going to smash my head on.
The video is on the next page
The video is on the next page
How to go to JAIL!!!
Well this is one way to go to jail lol. Looks like this girl partied way tooooo much with Big Rolo and decided to go home to her man, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell things didn't go so well for her lol check it out on the next page folks.
Bud Light that did NOT make the commercial
So i found this clip where this Bud Light Commercial didn't make it. Well i totally get it but C'MON folks its just a commercial and people are blacked out. Its not like they will actual show the nude people, but fcc would bitch about it and other folks will also bitch about it.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Max Minelli - Swagger Walk Screwed & Chopped by Big Rolo
Bet people, i got a new shit for you and for all the SWAGGER folks let me. Hell's yeah i gots swagger, and don't be hation on a mexican dude. you just hation cuz u aint got swagger and thats ok not a playas are meant to be a swagger. So this is Max Minelli new shit Swagger Walk of the Pain Medicine cd. i've heard and im blown away this is by far his best material, from the lyric's to the beats. so this is my version screwed & chopped and as always stay screw for life. And a big shout out to the last Robert Earl Davis Jr. aka DJ Screw
Juan Gotti - Hood Thang Screwed & Chopped by Big Rolo
Well i been had this screwed & chopped just didnt never put it on the net, soooooo now that i have, guess we let the people decide what they think. Well this one reminds me of a girl. Idk if you have like a song for a certain girl in your life but this one reminds me a lot about one lol. Well back to the song folks lol On this one the whole melody of the beat is smooth and the hooks are awesome which were done by Caroline Rodriguez who also has some good jamz, which i will post on here for your enjoyment. Well hope you like this one, which im sure you will.
Stevie B - Running For Miles
Alright folks got another one for you. This one is more of something to find a way to let it out, cuz like Stevie B said it s driving me insane. This one is from his new cd Terminator. Well i was please to hear he came out with a new cd buuuuuuuuuuut when i heard it it was tooo much like, well they all sound the same lol but on the other hand the tracks on it were awesome. this one in particular got me cuz well, yes big rolo has feelings people lol but this one was a hit for me and i hope it was Stevie's Hit. Well enjoy folks
Monday, January 4, 2010
Banda La Felicidad - Juchári Mintsita
Banda La Felicidad son unos de los meores banda que yo a eschuchado. No se si ya si des apartadon o todavia sigen. Bueno Saludos a la hente de San Jeronimo Purenchecuaro de parte de Campeon. Saludos desde Arkansas.
Banda La Felicidad,
Hente Purhepecha
Hola a todos mis amigos de San Jeronimo Purenchecuaro. Mis padres son de alli y yo nacido en eeuu, pero siempre sere un orgullo mexicano y de San Jeronimo. Soy Rolando Cuanas pero todos me conocen como Campeon. Bueno voy a poner mas musica purhepecha si queres un cancion no mas deja un commentario o mande me tu e-mail con la cancione que queres. Saludos desde Arkansas.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
All 4 One - Key to your Heart Screwed & Chopped by Big Rolo
Here's another song i screwed and chopped. All 4 One - Key To Your Heart, one of a song i like and has a great lyrics to it. hey hey we all have feelings might as well show it lol. anyways hope you guys like it.
Lil Flip - Trunk Banging Screwed & Chopped by Big Rolo
Here's another work of mines, and this time i bring to you Lil Flip Trunk Banging of his new cd Underground Legend Pt 2.
Dallas Cowboys
Well i know its kinda late but espn aslo was late putting this up. lol so now you can go straight to the Dallas Cowboys page instaed of going to espn.com then find the team you want and click there now just simply type espn.com/dallas and baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam there you are in the cowboys section. here the link if you want to save it http://espn.go.com/dallas/
Friday, January 1, 2010
Rolo / Campeon
Screwnation Records
Rolo / Campeon
Screwnation Records
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